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Tales of two rivers, The Dordogne and the Lot
Editions du Laquet
Date de publication

Tales of two rivers

The Dordogne and the Lot

Editions du Laquet

Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9782368480991
    • Fichier EPUB, libre d'utilisation
    • Fichier Mobipocket, libre d'utilisation
    • Lecture en ligne, lecture en ligne

Autre version disponible

Two rivers, the Dordogne and the Lot, flow accros land that has know centuries
of war and prosperity, struggle and calm. The region could be discovered
through examining histry, but its folk-tales and legends speak with the voices
of its own people.


* Introduction
* The Miller Who Became a Knight A tale from Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne
* Sacred Bells, Sacred Pools The story of St. Namphaise
* The Devil on the Bridge The legend of Pont Valentré
* The Giants of Cambayrac A legend from the River Lot
* Sad Espérie The story of St. Céré’s origins
* A Deep, Dark Hole The legend of Padirac’s cave
* The Monkey’s Leap A legend from the River Lot
* The Donkey That Drank the Moon A popular tale of the Dordogne and other regions
* The Dreadful Drac A traditional Quercy tale
* The Magic Stick and the Magic Whistle A fairy-tale from the Dordogne
* Coulobre, the Terrible Dragon An ancient legend from the Dordogne
* John of Bordeaux A fairy-tale uniting France and England
* Sources
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