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Ecology of the Sontecomapan Lagoon, Veracruz
IRD Éditions
Date de publication
D’Amérique latine

Ecology of the Sontecomapan Lagoon, Veracruz

IRD Éditions

D’Amérique latine

Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9782709928533
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    • Lecture en ligne, lecture en ligne
Tropical coastal lagoon environments provide a number of ecosystem services,
but are threatened by the pressure imposed by human activities and climatic
change; these systems are particularly vulnerable because of a high
demographic growth. Therefore, the understanding of their ecological behavior
and the characterization of lagoon health indicators have attained importance.
Under this perspective Mexican (UAM-X) and French (UMRs MIO and MARBEC)
researchers have collaborated from 2011 to 2014 as part of one action of the
international exchange program ECOS/ANUIES, and chose the Sontecomapan lagoon
(at the Mexican state of Veracruz) as a case study. This book provides
information of the ecological behavior, water quality indicators, and details
of microorganisms and plankton, which due to their short life cycles and their
high reactivity to environmental conditions are good.
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