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Free from Wine, How life changes when you quit drinking
Books on Demand
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Free from Wine

How life changes when you quit drinking

Books on Demand

Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9789528081876
    • Fichier EPUB, avec Marquage en filigrane
Free from Wine - How life changes when you quit drinking has liberated
countless Finns from alcohol since 2016. It will revolutionize your
understanding of alcohol, alcoholism, sobriety, and life without alcohol. In
this book, six women share their stories with their faces and names, revealing
their relationship with alcohol, and how their life changed when they quit
drinking. This edition is an updated version of the first edition released in
2016. The first edition concluded with the author, Ira Koivu, having been
sober for six months. In this new edition, she shares what happened after the
book's publication. The book also includes new stories and research findings.
Feedback on the book: Journalist Ira Koivu fearlessly tackles a sensitive
topic and a significant taboo of our time. Her book Free from Wine makes
continuing to drink alcohol extremely challenging. This remarkable book
prompts reflection on why that deadly poison has become an accepted part of
our collective lifestyle. \- Author Heikki Peltola
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