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Billie Bang Bang - Volume 1 - Totally Bonkers
Europe Comics
Date de publication
Billie Bang Bang

Billie Bang Bang - Volume 1 - Totally Bonkers

Europe Comics

Billie Bang Bang

Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9791032813447
    • Fichier EPUB à mise en page fixe, avec Marquage en filigrane
Annoying people beware: there's a new sheriff in town, and her name is Billie
Bang Bang! Life isn't always easy when you're 8 years old. But Billie has a
new best friend, named Bonkers. (Who isn't even imaginary, by the way!) And a
partner in crime means double the trouble... Watch out, world! Billie Bang
Bang is a series about our precocious, smart, immature, hilarious, and
sometimes tyrannical children. Children who are constantly defying adults'
authority, even though all they really want is love and protection, in a world
that isn't always as safe as we want it to be. Together, Billie and Bonkers
take whatever life throws their way, and find a way to come out the other
side... with as little collateral damage as possible.
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