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Kama Sutra (The annotated original english translation by Sir Richard Francis Burton)
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Kama Sutra (The annotated original english translation by Sir Richard Francis Burton)


Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9788087664001
    • Fichier EPUB, libre d'utilisation
    • Fichier Mobipocket, libre d'utilisation
    • Lecture en ligne, lecture en ligne
This is the unabridged original english translation (with all the comments and
annotations) made by Sir Richard Francis Burton and first published in 1883.

The Kama Sutra is an ancient Indian Hindu text widely considered to be the
standard work on human sexual behavior in Sanskrit literature written by
Vatsyayana. A portion of the work consists of practical advice on sexual
intercourse. It is largely in prose, with many inserted poetry verses. "Kama"
which is one of the three goals of Hindu life, means sensual or sexual
pleasure, and "sutra" literally means a thread or line that holds things
together, and more metaphorically refers to an aphorism (or line, rule,
formula), or a collection of such aphorisms in the form of a manual. Contrary
to popular perception, especially in the western world, Kama sutra is not just
an exclusive sex manual; it presents itself as a guide to a virtuous and
gracious living that discusses the nature of love, family life and other
aspects pertaining to pleasure oriented faculties of human life.


Vatsyayana's Kama Sutra has 1250 verses, distributed in 36 chapters, which are
further organized into 7 parts. According to the Burton translation, the
contents of the book are structured into 7 parts like the following:

1\. General remarks
Chapters on contents of the book, three aims and priorities of life, the
acquisition of knowledge, conduct of the well-bred townsman, reflections on
intermediaries who assist the lover in his enterprises (5 chapters).

2\. Amorous advances/Sexual union
Chapters on stimulation of desire, types of embraces, caressing and kisses,
marking with nails, biting and marking with teeth, on copulation (positions),
slapping by hand and corresponding moaning, virile behavior in women, superior
coition and oral sex, preludes and conclusions to the game of love. It
describes 64 types of sexual acts (10 chapters).

3\. Acquiring a wife
Chapters on forms of marriage, relaxing the girl, obtaining the girl, managing
alone, union by marriage (5 chapters).

4\. Duties and privileges of the wife
Chapters on conduct of the only wife and conduct of the chief wife and other
wives (2 chapters).

5\. Other men's wives
Chapters on behavior of woman and man, how to get acquainted, examination of
sentiments, the task of go-between, the king's pleasures, behavior in the
women's quarters (6 chapters).

6\. About courtesans
Chapters on advice of the assistants on the choice of lovers, looking for a
steady lover, ways of making money, renewing friendship with a former lover,
occasional profits, profits and losses (6 chapters).

7\. Occult practices
Chapters on improving physical attractions, arousing a weakened sexual power
(2 chapters)
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