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The Scarlet Letter
ClassicBooks by KTHTK
Date de publication

The Scarlet Letter

ClassicBooks by KTHTK

Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9789895621941
    • Fichier EPUB, libre d'utilisation
First published in 1850, “The Scarlet Letter” is Nathaniel Hawthorne’s
masterpiece and one of the greatest American novels. Its themes of sin, guilt,
and redemption, woven through a story of adultery in the early days of the
Massachusetts Colony, are revealed with remarkable psychological penetration
and understanding of the human heart. Hester Prynne is the adulteress, forced
by the Puritan community to wear a scarlet letter A on the breast of her gown.
Arthur Dimmesdale, the minister and the secret father of her child, Pearl,
struggles with the agony of conscience and his own weakness. Roger
Chillingworth, Hester’s husband, revenges himself on Dimmesdale by calculating
assaults on the frail mental state of the conscience-stricken cleric. The
result is an American tragedy of stark power and emotional depth that has
mesmerized critics and readers for nearly a century and a half. The finest
piece of imaginative writing yet put forth in the country. —Henry James
[Nathaniel Hawthorne] recaptured, for his New England, the essence of Greek
tragedy. —Malcolm Cowley There could be no more perfect work of the American
imagination than “The Scarlet Letter”. —D. H. Lawrence The style of Hawthorne
is purity itself. His tone is singularly effective — wild, plaintive,
thoughtful, and in full accordance with his themes... We look upon him as one
of the few men of indisputable genius to whom our country has as yet given
birth. —Edgar Allan Poe
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