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Virginia Woolf: The Complete Collection
Hash Books
Date de publication

Virginia Woolf: The Complete Collection

Hash Books

Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9789897787928
    • Fichier EPUB, libre d'utilisation
This volume collects the complete writings of Virginia Woolf: 8 novels, 3
'biographies,' 46 short stories, 606 essays, 1 play, her diary and some
letters. Contents: THE NOVELS The Voyage Out Night and Day Jacob's Room Mrs.
Dalloway To the Lighthouse The Waves The Years Between the Acts THE
'BIOGRAPHIES' Orlando: a biography Flush: a biography Roger Fry: a biography
THE STORIES Monday or Tuesday A Haunted House, and other short stories Mrs
Dalloway's Party The Complete Shorter Fiction THE ESSAYS The Common Reader I A
Room of One's Own On Being Ill The London Scene The Common Reader II Three
Guineas The Death of the Moth, and other essays The Moment, and other essays
The Captain's Death Bed, and other essays Granite and Rainbow Books and
Portraits Women And Writing 383 Essays from newspapers and magazines
AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL WRITING A Writer's Diary Moments of Being The Diary Vols. 1–5
The Letters Vols. 1–6 The Letters of V.W. and Lytton Strachey A Passionate
Apprentice. The Early Journals 1887-1909 THE PLAY Freshwater: A Comedy (both
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