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From Sarah to Denise, The Holocaust Through the Eyes of a Little Girl
Date de publication

From Sarah to Denise

The Holocaust Through the Eyes of a Little Girl


Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9791023604566
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When changing you identity is your only way to survive...
From Sarah to Denise, two first names for only one person.
In this moving testimony, the author plunges us into History. And it is above
all the story of Sarah, a little girl that life and atrocity are going to
change into Denise. How did one get to this ?
Terror, solidarity, fight for humanity, absolute horror and unconditional love
: through the story of a child, of a family, this deeply moving work immerges
us in an essentiel page of our French History. Terribly actual, this essential
reading will not leave you unharmed.
Annie Dhainaut-Mintz was born in Niort in 1948.
With strength, patience and emotion, she has reconstituted her family history,
that of her mother who is Sarah and Denise. She gives us here her first book.
A deeply touching testimony that will walk you through one of the most
terrible times of our History.
A few moments are enough for me to imagine the happiness that we would have
had had being together, to discover through their origin another culture that
would have transported me beyond the frontiers to my Polish family. But the
ideology and the barbarism of a man decided this otherwise.
How to fill this immense void if not by telling their story, from the arrival
of Benjamin and Ewa in France to the tragic destiny that led them and their
family, to the death camps because they were Jews? This account is the finest
homage that I can pay them so that they will also have their place in our
The chronology of the story follows that of history. I reconstitute a puzzle
of which the pieces have been scattered for a century.

Annie Dhainaut-Mintz was born in Niort in 1948. With strength, patience and
emotion, she reconstitued her family's history and that of her mother, who is
Sarah and Denise. From Sarah to Denise is her first book.
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